元のStuart Schechterの記事はこちら
First, was Morris and Thompson’s confidence that their solution, a password policy, would fix the underlying problem of weak passwords. They incorrectly assumed that if they prevented the specific categories of weakness that they had noted, that the result would be something strong. After implementing a requirement that password have multiple characters sets or more total characters, they wrote:
These improvements make it exceedingly difficult to find any individual password. The user is warned of the risks and if he cooperates, he is very safe indeed.
まず、Stuartの記事ではtotal charactersと文字種だけでなく文字数についても触れている。さらに元論文を辿るとthese improvementsは以下を指している。
The password entry program was modified so as to urge the user to use more obscure passwords. If the user enters an alphabetic password (all upper-case or all lower-case) shorter than six characters, or a password from a larger character set shorter than five characters, then the program asks him to enter a longer password. This further reduces the efficacy of key search.
短いパスワードが入力されたら文字数を長くするように依頼するようなプログラムを書けという話である。現行のNIST SP 800-63が推奨しているパスワードは8文字以上にしろというのと同じ方向性かと思われる。
ただし、論文全体として文字数が多いか文字種を多くするのが良いように書かれているのも確かである。しかし、基本的に文字種やパスワードの長さによって総当たり攻撃に時間がかかるという話をしており、それ自体は事実である。ただ、文字種を強制することで利便性が悪くなることや覚えられないというデメリットに対してそれを上回る効果があるのかという問題があり、NIST SP 800-63では否定されている。
While Morris and Thompson did not invent password hashing, they implemented it into Unix, strongly recommended it, and their paper would be the one most cited to support the necessity of password hashing.
With RSA, passwords could be hashed with a function that was one-way without the private key, and the private key stored on a system detached from any network and safely behind locks, guards, and whatever other physical security measures one might dream of. When scientists needed to test if password policies were working, they could take the file with the numeric hashes into the locked room with the key, analyze them, and leave with a new set of rules to try. Alas, to my knowledge, nobody has ever used this approach, because after Morris and Thompson’s paper storing passwords in any form that can be reversed became taboo.