Many readers are reporting that another undersea fiber optic cable has been cut, apparently caused by another wayward anchor. It looks like Iran has completely lost Internet connectivity."
Third Undersea Cable Cut - Slashdot
Like most countries in the region, the outages in Iran were very significant, but for the most part they did not exceed 20% of their total number of networks. Now 20% is a significant loss, but in the context of an event where countries lost almost all of their connectivity, such a loss did not place Iran into the top 10 of impacted countries. So we focused most of our attention where the losses where the highest.
ATTENTION: Iran is not disconnected! - Renesys
So back to Iran. In the following graph, we plotted the availability of Iranian networks for four entire days, 30 January 00:00 UTC until 3 February 00:00 UTC. The first day is the day of the cable cuts. Of the 695 networks that geo-locate to Iran, at no time were more than 199 unavailable, as observed by large number of Renesys peers. A few peers here and there might not have been able to reach Iran for local reasons, but the vast majority of the world could get to most of the networks in Iran for this entire time period. Note also that around 64 networks were unavailable before the event even started. These networks could be simply unused at this time. In other words, at most 135 networks that were active before the cable cuts disappeared for at least a short while during the outages.
ATTENTION: Iran is not disconnected! - Renesys
【Technobahn 2008/2/7 02:03】先週末から中東で続いている原因不明の海底ケーブル網の障害のため、イランと国外とを結ぶネット回線が完全に途絶し、イランはネットの孤島状態に置かれてしまったことが5日、世界各国のインターネット接続の状態観測を行っているウエブサイト「インターネット・トラフィック・リポート(www.internettrafficreport.com)」の調べで明らかとなった。